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Druid Lam.webp

Aside from Summoning, an important focus for Heroes is to go on Quests and collect useful items and experience. Quests can be divided into two categories: Profession Quests and Training Quests.

Profession Quests are non-combat-oriented quests to learn and excel at different useful skills to the kingdom.

5 different Profession Quests are available to Heroes:

- Fishing

- Foraging

- Gardening

- Gold Mining

- Locked Mining

Each profession has a profession skill associated with it which has a chance to increase each time a Hero does an associated profession quest. As those skills increase, so too will the Hero’s ability to earn rewards from that profession. In addition, each of these professions has a gene associated with it. Heroes receive additional benefits when doing profession quests that match their profession gene, including an increased chance for rewards and a reduction in the quest's Stamina cost.

Note: The community recommends not assigning heroes to quests outside of their profession, unless an Innate Pet is used that provides that profession gene in order to receive the above benefits.

Adventure Quests (not yet released) will involve going to a remote location with a team of Heroes to fight evil, and the spoils of those battles are yours for the taking. Adventure quests will not be available until later phases.


Questing profitability is determined by the market price of the quest rewards in relation to the gas/transaction costs to start and complete those quests.

An easy way to obtain current quest profitability is the DFKH AI /ROI command: